
Ocean and Land Colour Instrument

Instrument Types

NOAA MSL12 multi-sensor DINEOF global 2 km gap-filled products: Chlorophyll-a, diffuse attenuation coefficient Kd(490), and suspended particulate matter (SPM)

Product Families
Ocean Color

The NOAA Multi-Sensor Level-1 to Level-2 (MSL12) Ocean Color, science quality, multi-sensor 2 km global gap-filled analysis includes chlorophyll-a, Kd(490), and SPM products. These global gap-free data are generated using the data interpolating empirical orthogonal function (DINEOF) method (Liu and Wang, 2023). This product currently uses data from 3 instruments: the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) sensor aboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) satellite, VIIRS on the NOAA-20 satellite, plus the Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI) on the Sentinel 3A satellite from the Copernicus program of the European Union.

NOAA MSL12 multi-sensor DINEOF global 9km gap-filled products: Chlorophyll-a, diffuse attenuation coefficient Kd(490), and suspended particulate matter (SPM)

Product Families
Ocean Color

The NOAA Multi-Sensor Level-1 to Level-2 (MSL12) Ocean Color, science quality, multi-sensor global gap-filled analysis includes chlorophyll-a, Kd(490), and SPM products. These global gap-free data are generated using the data interpolating empirical orthogonal function (DINEOF) method (Liu and Wang, 2022). The data that go into this product currently come from 3 instruments: the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) sensor aboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) satellite, VIIRS on the NOAA-20 satellite, plus the Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI) on the Sentinel 3A satellite from the Copernicus program of the European Union.

Ocean Color - Near Real Time - OLCI Sentinel-3A and 3B Regional Coverage

Product Families
Ocean Color

OLCI Sentinel-3A and 3B regional coverage (US coasts of interest, a.k.a. "CONUS" but including Hawaii) Level-3 mapped daily composites of ocean color remote sensing reflectances (Rrs(λ), chlorophyll-a concentration and derived water quality related products including diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm (Kd490),  normalized fluorescence line height (NLFH), and total suspended matter (TSM) from the EUMETSAT processing.

True Color OLCI Sentinel-3A/B

Product Families
True Color Imagery

OLCI true color products are generated from atmospheric corrected rho_s bands.  Data are available in mapped 300m regions in near real-time CoastWatch HDF format and are compatible with the CoastWatch Utilities.