Science Team (External)

Monitors maintained by accredited groups, organizations, or programs who partner with NOAA CoastWatch

Near Real-Time Altimeter Validation System (NRTAVS)

Monitor Type
Quality Assurance

NRTAVS produces comprehensive, running web-based summaries of individual correction terms, as well as wind, wave and sea-surface height for satellite radar altimeter missions.

OC Science Team OCView

Monitor Type
Quality Assurance

The ocean color science team seeks to develop improved ocean color products from the current and future ocean color satellite sensors including the SeaWiFS, MODIS, and VIIRS on the SNPP and JPSS, as well as various satellite sensors from other countries.

SST Quality Monitor (SQUAM)

Monitor Type
Quality Assurance

SQUAM monitors global L2 & L3 SSTs with respect to L4 fields & in situ data. It also intercompares and validates various global L4 SST products.

In Situ SST Quality Monitor (iQuam)

Monitor Type
Quality Assurance

iQuam is a system developed in NESDIS/STAR to perform near real time QC of in situ measurements and monitor the statistics. Ships and buoys (drifters and moorings) are included.