AMS Joint Satellite Lake Data and Products Short Course

August 04, 2022
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Sunday, August 7, 2022

8:00 AM - 3:45 PM Central Time (Hybrid)

This short course will provide participants an opportunity to use readily available tools to process, display, and analyze GOES-R, JPSS, and other environmental satellite data products in lake application scenarios.

Course Registration (Website)(link is external)

The participants will learn how satellite observations and other data products are applied to a variety of lakes, ranging through different lake widths/depths, tropical and mid/higher latitude lakes, as well as winter and summer examples. Satellite subject matter experts will lead hands-on exercises using regional lake case studies and provide participants an opportunity to produce imagery and analyze data such as lake surface water temperature, algal blooms, meteotsunamis, snow/ice, and convection initiations and thunderstorms over the lakes.

Registration Close Date: Thursday, August 4, 2022 at 11:45 PM Eastern
Participant Cap: 50